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塞斯纳172飞行员操作手册 Cessna 172 PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK(90)

时间:2011-12-29 11:03来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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An engine-driven vacuum system (see figure 7-9) provides the suction necessary to operate the attitude indicator and directional indicator. The system consists of a vacuum pump mounted on the engine, a vacuum relief valve and vacuum system air filter on the aft side of the firewall below the instrument panel, and instruments (including a suction gage) on the left side of the instrument panel.
The attitude indicator gives a visual indication of flight attitude. Bank attitude is presented by a pointer at the top of the indicator relative to the bank scale which has index marks at 10°, 20°, 30°, 60°, and 90° either side of the center mark. Pitch and roll attitudes are presented by a miniature airplane in relation to the horizon bar. A knob at the bottom of the instrument is provided for in-flight adjustment of the miniature airplane to the horizon bar for a more accurate flight attitude indication.
A directional indicator displays airplane heading on a compass card in relation to a fixed simulated airplane image and index. The indicator will precess slightly over a period of time. Therefore, the compass card should be set in accordance with the magnetic compass just prior to takeoff, and occasionally re-adjusted on extended flights. A knob on the lower left edge of the instrument is used to adjust the compass card to correct for precession.
The suction gage, located on the left side of the instrument panel, is calibrated in inches of mercury and indicates suction available for operation of the attitude and directional indicators. The desired suction range is 4.6 to 5.4 inches of mercury. A suction reading below this range may indicate a system malfunction or improper adjustment, and in this case, the indicators should not be considered reliable.
The airplane is equipped with a pneumatic-type stall warning system consisting of an inlet in the leading edge of the left wing, an air-operated horn near the upper left corner of the windshield, and associated plumbing. As the airplane approaches a stall, the low pressure on the upper surface of the wings moves forward around the leading edge of the wings. This low pressure creates a differential pressure in the stall warning system which draws air through the warning horn, resulting in an audible warning at 5 to 10 knots above stall in all flight conditions.
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