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塞斯纳172飞行员操作手册 Cessna 172 PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK(34)

时间:2011-12-29 11:03来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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obstacles when taking into account the turbulence often found near ground level. The takeoff performance data provided in Section 5 is based on the flaps up configuration.
If 10° of flaps are used on soft or rough fields with obstacles ahead, it is normally preferable to leave them extended rather than retract them in the climb to the obstacle. With 10° flaps, use an obstacle clearance speed of 55 KIAS. As soon as the obstacle is cleared, the flaps may be retracted as the airplane accelerates to the normal flaps-up climb-out speed.
Takeoffs into strong crosswinds normally are performed with the minimum flap setting necessary for the field length, to minimize the drift angle immediately after takeoff. The airplane is accelerated to a speed slightly higher than normal, then pulled off abruptly to prevent possible settling back to the runway while drifting. When clear of the ground, make a coordinated turn into the wind to correct for drift.
Normal climbs are performed with flaps up and full throttle and at speeds 5 to 10 knots higher than best rate-of-climb speeds for the best combination of performance, visibility and engine cooling. The mixture should be full rich below 3000 feet and may be leaned above 3000 feet for smoother operation or to obtain maximum RPM. For maximum rate of climb, use the best rate-of-climb speeds shown in the Rate-of-Climb chart in Section 5. If an obstruction dictates the use of a steep climb angle, the best angle-of-climb speed should be used with flaps up and maximum power. Climbs at speeds lower than the best rate-of-climb speed should be of short duration to improve engine cooling.
Normal cruising is performed between 55% and 75% power. The engine RPM and corresponding fuel consumption for various altitudes can be determined by using your Cessna Power Computer or the data in Section 5.
Cruising should be done at 65% to 75% power until a total of
50 hours has accumulated or oil consumption has stabil
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