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塞斯纳172飞行员操作手册 Cessna 172 PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK(35)

时间:2011-12-29 11:03来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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ized. This is to ensure proper seating of the rings and is applicable to new engines, and engines in service follow¬ing cylinder replacement or top overhaul of one or more cylinders.
The Cruise Performance Table, figure 4-3, illustrates the true airspeed and nautical miles per gallon during cruise for various altitudes and percent powers. This table should be used as a guide, along with the available winds aloft information, to determine the most favorable altitude and power setting for a given trip. The selection of cruise altitude on the basis of the most favorable wind conditions and the use of low power settings are significant factors that should be considered on every trip to reduce fuel consumption.
To achieve the recommended lean mixture fuel consumption figures shown in Section 5, the mixture should be leaned until engine RPM peaks and drops 25-50 RPM. At lower powers it may be necessary to enrichen the mixture slightly to obtain smooth operation.
Should it be necessary to cruise at higher than 75% power, the mixture should not be leaned more than is required to provide peak RPM.
Carburetor ice, as evidenced by an unexplained drop in RPM, can be removed by application of full carburetor heat. Upon regaining the original RPM (with heat off), use the minimum amount of heat (by trial and error) to prevent ice from forming. Since the heated air causes a richer mixture, readjust the mixture setting when carburetor heat is to be used continuously in cruise flight.

 75% POWER 65% POWER 55% POWER
Sea Level 114 13.5 107 14.8 100 16.1
4000 Feet 118 14.0 111 15.3 103 16.6
8000 Feet 122 14.5 115 15.8 106 17.1
Standard Conditions Zero Wind

Figure 4-3. Cruise Performance Table
The use of full carburetor heat is recommended during flight in heavy rain to avoid the possibility of engine stoppage due to excessive water ingestion or carburetor ice. The mixture setting should be readjusted for smoothest operation. Power changes should be made cautiously, followed by prompt adjustment of the mixture for smoothest operation.
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