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塞斯纳172飞行员操作手册 Cessna 172 PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK(57)

时间:2011-12-29 11:03来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者
Total the weights and moments/ 1000 and plot these values on the Center of Gravity Moment Envelope to determine whether the point falls within the envelope, and if the loading is acceptable.
Figure 6-3. Loading Arrangements

(lb. - ins.
/1000)         8. Locate this point (2300 at 103.2) on the Center of Gravity Moment Envelope,
and since this point falls within the envelope, the loading is acceptable.
* The maximum allowable combined weight capacity for baggage areas 1 and 2 is 120 lbs.
(lb. -ins.
/1000) (0.
r-• in  9Z I. 12.4 .-
a)  1 103.2 
(lbs.)  CNI   cro
co c) N.
.- cn
cr)  2300 
LOADING PROBLEM 1. Basic Empty Weight (Use the data pertaining to your airplane as it is presently equipped. Includes unusable
fuel and full oil)  
2. Usable Fuel (At 6 Lbs./Gal.)
Standard Tanks (40 Gal. Maximum)  
Long Range Tanks (50 Gal. Maximum)  
3. Pilot and Front Passenger (Station 34 to 46)  
4. Rear Passengers  
5. * Baggage Area 1 or Passenger on Child's Seat
(Station 82 to 108) 120 Lbs. Max.  
6. * Baggage Area 2 (Station 108 to 142) 50 Lbs. Kix   7. TOTAL WEIGHT AND MOMENT 

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本文链接地址:塞斯纳172飞行员操作手册 Cessna 172 PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK(57)
