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塞斯纳172飞行员操作手册 Cessna 172 PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK(56)

时间:2011-12-29 11:03来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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airplane weight and C.G. can be determined.
6. Basic Empty Weight may be determined by completing figure 6-1.
The following information will enable you to operate your Cessna within the prescribed weight and center of gravity limitations. To figure weight and balance, use the Sample Problem, Loading Graph, and Center of Gravity Moment Envelope as follows:
Take the basic empty weight and moment from appropriate weight and balance records carried in your airplane, and enter them in the column titled YOUR AIRPLANE on the Sample Loading Problem.
In addition to the basic empty weight and moment noted on these records, the C.G. arm (fuselage station) is also shown, but need not be used on the Sample Loading Problem. The moment which is shown must be divided by 1000 and this value used as the moment/ 1000 on the loading problem.
Use the Loading Graph to determine the moment/ 1000 for each additional item to be carried; then list these on the loading problem.
Loading Graph information for the pilot, passengers and baggage is based on seats positioned for average occu¬pants and baggage loaded in the center of the baggage areas as shown on the Loading Arrangements diagram. For loadings which may differ from these, the Sample Loading Problem lists fuselage stations for these items to indicate their forward and aft C.G. range limitations (seat travel and baggage area limitation). Additional moment calculations, based on the actual weight and C.G. arm (fuselage station) of the item being loaded, must be made if the position of the load is different from that shown on the Loading Graph.
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