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钻石42飞机飞行手册 DA 42 Airplane Flight Manual(19)

时间:2011-10-28 13:17来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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Indi-cation  Red arc/bar = lower prohibited range  Yellow arc/bar = caution range  Green arc/bar = normal operating range  Yellow arc/bar = caution range  Red arc/bar = upper prohibited range 
RPM  -- -- up to 2300 RPM  -- above 2300 RPM 
Oil pressure  below 1.0 bar  1.0 to 2.3 bar  2.3 to 5.8 bar  5.8 to 6.5 bar  above 6.5 bar 
Oil temp.  below -30°C  -30 to 50 °C  50 to 130 °C  131 to 140 °C  above 140 °C 
Coolant temp.  below -30 °C  -30 to 60 °C  60 to 101 °C  102 to 105 °C  above 105 °C 
Gearbox temp.  -- -- up to 115 °C  115 to 120 °C  above 120 °C 
Load  -- -- 0 to 100 %  -- --
Fuel temp.  below -30 °C  -30 to +4 °C  +5 to 69 °C  70 to 75 °C  above 75 °C 
Ammeter  -- -- up to 60 A  -- above 60 A 
Volt-meter  below 24.1 V  24.1 to 25 V  25 to 30 V  30 to 32 V  above 32 V 
Fuel qty.  0 US gal  -- 0 to 25 US gal  -- --

Page 2 - 10  Rev. 5  15-Nov-2007  Doc. No. 7.01.05-E 


The alerts described in the following are displayed on the Garmin G1000. Section 7.10 includes a detailed description of the alerts.
The following tables show the color and significance of the warning, caution and advisory alerts lights on the G1000.
Color and significance of the warning alerts on the G1000
Warning alerts(red)  Meaning / Cause 
WARNING  One of the Warnings listed below is being indicated. 
L/R ENG TEMP  Left / Right engine coolant temperature is in the upper red range (too high/>105 °C). 
L/R OIL TEMP  Left / Right engine oil temperature is in the upper red range (too high/>140 °C). 
L/R OIL PRES  Left / Right engine oil pressure is in the lower red range (too low/<1.0 bar). 
L/R FUEL TEMP  Left / Right fuel temperature is in the upper red range (too high/>75 °C) 
L/R GBOX TEMP  Left / Right engine gearbox temperature is in the upper red range (too high/>120 °C). 
L/R ALTN AMPS  Left / Right engine alternator output is in the upper red range (too high/>60 amps). 
L/R ENG FIRE  Left / Right engine fire detected. 

Doc. No. 7.01.05-E  Rev. 5  15-Nov-2007  Page 2 - 11 
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