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TB20 MAINTENANCE MANUAL 33 灯光 TB20飞机维护手册(7)

时间:2011-11-08 16:33来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者
Validity : S / N 1 - 9999 33-10 00Page 601
(BA) SEP 04
Door microswitch - Inspection / Check
Figure 601
Validity : S / N 1 - 9999 33 10-00Page 602
(BA) SEP 04
The external lighting is the element of the lighting system ensuring the external lighting and indication of the aircraft.
The external lighting consists of :
- the landing light and the taxi light,
- the navigation lights,
- the anticollision lights (Option),
- the strobe light(s) (Option),
- the L.H. wing leading edge light (Option),
- the A31 anticollision lights power unit(s) (Option).

Landing light and taxi light 2 500 522 33-40-01
Navigation light 3 500 517 33-40-00
  600 617 
  220 622 
Anticollision light (Option) 2 500 517 33-40-00
  600 617 
Strobe light (Option) 1 or 2 220 / 33-40-00
L.H. wing leading edge light 1 100 131 33-40-00
A31 anticollision lights and A33 strobe lights power unit 1 per light 220 242 33-40-00

A. Landing and taxi lights (Figures 1 and 8)
The landing and taxi lights are the elements of the sub-system which enable the pilot to sight the runway and to direct the aircraft during taxiing. These lights are located on the L.H. wing leading edge.
The illumination of the lights is controlled by switch-breakers located on the front section of the central pedestal console.
Two green indicator lights (one for each function) located on M6 advisory panel, illuminate respectively when the switch-breakers are closed.
Validity : Pre-MOD. 151 33-40-00 (BM) Page 1
SEP 04
With Option E 84800
A timer can be installed on L.H. wing tip in order to increase service life of landing and taxi lights. It allows a progressive energization. The timer, composed of an electronic unit, is secured to N12 rib.
B. Navigation lights (Figures 2 and 3)
The traditional navigation lights are located on the wing tips and at the end of the tail cone :
- green light : R.H. wing tip,
- red light : L.H. wing tip,
- white light : end of the tail cone.
The illumination of the lights is controlled by a switch-breaker located on the front section of the central pedestal console.
C. Anticollision lights (Option) (Figures 4 and 5)
The aircraft can be equipped with an anticollision assembly including a strobe light on each wing tip and, at the end of the tail cone of a dual function light (navigation light / strobe light) as a replacement for the navigation light, if required.
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